Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercises are movements and physical activities designed to restore function and flexibility, improve strength and decrease pain. If you are receiving physical therapy for an injury or a chronic condition, your physical therapist may incorporate therapeutic exercises in your treatment plan.

What are examples of therapeutic activities?

Therapeutic activities cover a wide range of functional tasks like bending, lifting, catching, pushing, pulling, throwing, squatting etc. An example of a therapeutic activity could be lifting a weighted object and placing it on the top shelf, which is mainly to strengthen overhead shoulder

How many types of therapeutic exercise are there?

There are four basic types of therapeutic exercises, aimed at improving the senior’s strength (resistance training), flexibility, endurance, and stability or balance.

What is the goal of therapeutic exercise?

The goals of therapeutic exercises include the restoration of movement, improvement of function and strength, improvement in gait and balance, and the prevention and the promotion of health, wellness, and fitness.

What are the types of therapeutic exercise interventions?

  • Aerobic conditioning and reconditioning.
  • Muscle performance exercises: strength, power, and endurance training.
  • Stretching techniques including muscle-lengthening procedures and joint mobilization/manipulation techniques.

What kind of activities define therapeutic and why?

Therapeutic Activities means restorative activities designed to maintain or improve the quality of one’s life or delay deterioration of skills. Examples of therapeutic activities include gross motor activities, social activities, sensory enhancement activities, crafts, outdoor activities, spiritual activities and ADLs.